Google Treasure Hunt 2008 - 2
I read somewhere there were four rounds total, I now have the two first correct: d0d696, 7602f9
Thank you for entering the Treasure Hunt! Below is the entry we received. You can enter as many times as you like (start over to get a new question). Save your confirmation code so you can check on the status of your entry later.
Confirmation code: 7602f9
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Your question: 2 sums from line 3 in *pqr*.rtf, line 4 in *zzz*.js
Your answer: 16123822xx
Time received: 2008-05-20 22:29:22.867978 UTC
Correct answer: 16123822xx
Your answer was: Correct
Your answer was correct! Congratulations, you're part-way there.
There will more questions over the coming weeks, and the first person to answer them all correctly will win a prize, so keep trying!